Queue is great tools in laravel for implementing delayed job. Queue allowing system to put task in background so it can become faster and make users skip waiting until tasks is finished.
Queue can be implemented to handle big process such as generating reports, image processing, sending email, or even heavy CRUD process.
Tool Kit
- Laravel 4.2 or 4.3
- Queue
- Beanstalk
- Supervisor
Installing Queue
In your application add this to your "require" :{} composer.json"pda/pheanstalk": "2.0.*"
You can create new class or use controller/model/any class to execute function with Queue. Below is function in controller class executed by Queue.
<?php class ReportsController extends \BaseController { function fire($job,$data){ //Function Process } }
To execute this method with queue use this command
Queue::push('ReportsController', $data);
Other alternative is to execute function without fire method
<?php class ReportsController extends \BaseController { function generateReport($job,$data){ //Function Process } }
To execute this method with queue use this command
Queue::push('ReportsController@generateReport', $data);
Queue::push() command can be use in Route, Controller, or even Command.
Running Queue
To running Queue we need Beanstalk as a worker. To activate beanstalk running this command in console
// To fire last job php artisan queue:work // To fire running job and listen it php artisan queue:listen // add listener with flag (you can choose or implement all of this) php artisan queue:work --timeout=0 --queue="default" --delay=0 --memory=128 --sleep=3 --tries=0
Install and Configure Beanstalk
Install Beanstalk
sudo apt-get update // Install in Debian or ubuntu sudo apt-get install beanstalkd
Configure Beanstalk
sudo nano /etc/default/beanstalkd // Add or uncomment this line START yes
Start Beanstalk
sudo service beanstalkd start
Configure Beanstalk in Our Laravel App
Set default queue in app to Beanstalk. Go to app/config/queue.php
// Change This 'default' => 'beanstalkd', // This is default beanstalk configurations 'connections' => array( 'beanstalkd' => array( 'driver' => 'beanstalkd', 'host' => 'localhost', 'queue' => 'default', 'ttr' => 60, ), ),
We use php artisan queue:work or php artisan queue:work as listener, but we know that impossible for us to running this command every time we push job to Queue or when we start servers.
To overcome this we use Supervisor to listen all of active worker. Supervisor will listen all of our queue:work --daemon and restart it if failed.
Install Supervisor
// Install Supervisor in Debian or ubuntu sudo apt-get install supervisor // Adding configurations sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/reportqueue.conf [program:reportqueue] command=php artisan queue:work --daemon --env=your_environment directory=/path/to/MYAPP stdout_logfile=/path/to/MYAPP/app/storage/logs/myqueue_supervisord.log redirect_stderr=true autostart=true autorestart=true
Add Configuration to Supervisor
sudo supervisorctl reread # Tell supervisord to check for new items in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ add reportqueue # Add reportqueue process to Supervisord start reportqueue # Let's Rock
Check Supervisor
// In Console ps aux | grep php # You should see some output similarish this: php artisan queue:work --daemon --env=your_environment sh -c php artisan queue:work --queue="default" --delay=0 --memory=128 --sleep --env=your_environment php artisan queue:work --queue=default --delay=0 --memory=128 --sleep --env=your_environment
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