Because this gem was uses as Audit guidelines code quality in my company, I often faced hard time to adjust, optimizing and refactor my code.
I began to summarize Rubycritic detecting behavior and implement it in my code to avoid Smells and easier get at least Grade C to bare pass.
A few my conclusion things to consider when developing code according Rubycritic :
- Don't! Never! Avoid! Duplicity Code. Rubycritic love this think and will give you sudden great high score, enough to drop your Code Rating Grade.
- Evade complicated nested logic with multiple if, switch, etc. It's saver to use functions to handle logic rather than nested logic. Fox example
// Rather than this if obj == "a" if obj1 == "1" && obj2 == "2" // Process elsif obj1 == "3" && obj2 == "4" // Process else // Process end elsif obj1 == "b" if obj1 == "1" && obj2 == "2" // Process elsif obj1 == "3" && obj2 == "4" // Process else // Process end else // Process end // Use this if obj == "a" process(obj1,obj2) elsif obj1 == "b" process(obj1,obj2) else // Process end
- Evade complicated nested loops with multiple each, for, etc. It's saver to use functions to handle loops rather than nested loops. Fox example
// Rather than this data_sources.each do |data_source| data_source.each do |data| end end // Use This data_sources.each do |data_source| process(data_source) end
- If your function using nested hash, redeclare multiple used nested hash using variable.
// rather than if params[:id] == '1' user = User.where('id = ?',params[:id]) end // Used This id = params[:id] if id == '1' user = User.where('id = ?',id) end
- To combine Hash uses: .merge!()
params_data_assign = {} params_data_assign[:password_salt] = BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt params_data_assign[:password_hash] = BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(password, self.password_salt) params_data.merge!(params_data_assign)
- Use method = const_get(method) to change string into Model Constant. (surprisingly isn't it?).
def myfunction my_return = obj == 'User' ? 'User' : 'Member' process_my_return(my_return) end def process_my_return(my_return) method = const_get(my_return) data = method.where('id = ?',1) // Process end
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