Wednesday, November 28, 2018

File Compress,Gunzip,Mysql Command in Terminal Ubuntu

Compress and extract command in Ubuntu.
  • Compress File to Tar:  
tar czf name_of_archive_file.tar.gz name_of_directory_to_tar
  • Extract File from Tar: 
tar -xzvf file.tar.gz
  • Extract gz to MYSQL: 
gunzip < file-name.sql.gz | mysql -u user -p password  database-name
  • Compress MYSQL to gz: 
mysqldump -u user -p password database-name |gzip -9 > file-name.sql.gz 
  • Export
mysqldump -u user  -p password database-name > file-name.sql
  • Import: 
mysql -user -password database-name < file-name.sql

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Deploy Code with Capistrano

Developing a web application isn’t going to do much good if we aren’t able to find a way for the world to see it. For other web frameworks,this can often be a tedious and time-consuming process. Application code needs to be updated, database schemas need to be migrated, and application servers must be restarted. We could do all of this manually by ssh into the server, pulling the latest code from the repository, running database migration tasks, and restarting the application server. Even better, we could write some shell scripts that would automatically perform these tasks for us. But why do all that when we could be spending time improving App instead?

The good news is that we don’t have to do all that.Battle-tested and used for deploying many of today’s Rails apps, Capistrano (originally authored by Jamis Buck and now ably maintained by Lee Hambley) is the tool that Rails developers have used for years to get their applications from development to production on a daily basis. It was built from the start for deploying Rails applications, and it has all the tools we need to get App deployed and to help keep deployments running smoothly afterward. Capistrano’s library of tasks, plugins, and utilities has also evolved over the years with the rest of the Rails ecosystem, and thus Capistrano continues to meet the deployment needs of Rails applications both new and old.


Add capistrano gem to development environment

group :development do
gem 'capistrano', '~> 2.11.2'

Don't forget to bundle update. and check your capistrano instalation by: cap -H

Generate necessarily file with :

capify .

// Will generate:
[add] writing './Capfile' // created in project’s root directory and takes care of loading Capistrano’s default tasks
[add] writing './config/deploy.rb' // Rails asset pipeline tasks, and our primary deployment script
[done] capified!


Example of config settings in /config/deploy.rb
require 'bundler/capistrano'

// Configurations from repository
set :application, "massiveapp"
set :scm, :git
set :repository, "git://"

// Tell capistrano about server address host
server "localhost", :web, :app, :db, :primary => true
// port running in server
ssh_options[:port] = 2222
// path to private key
ssh_options[:keys] = "~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key"

set :user, "vagrant"
set :stages, %w(staging production)
set :default_stage, 'staging'
set :use_sudo, false
set :group, "vagrant"
set :deploy_to, "/var/myapp"
set :deploy_via, :copy
set :copy_strategy, :export

namespace :deploy do
  task :start do ; end
  task :stop do ; end
  desc "Restart the application"
  task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
    run "#{try_sudo} touch #{File.join(current_path,'tmp','restart.txt')}"
  desc "Copy the database.yml file into the latest release"
  task :copy_in_database_yml do
    run "cp #{shared_path}/config/database.yml #{latest_release}/config/"
// task that copy database.yml file into place, so we’ll put that here as well as a before directive that will force that task to be called as part of a deployment
before "deploy:assets:precompile", "deploy:copy_in_database_yml"

Setting in Server

From console application
cap deploy:setup

- /releases
- /shared
|- /log
|- /system
|- /pids

Each time we deploy, Capistrano will create a new subdirectory in the releases directory and place the source code for Application there. The shared directory will contain various, well, shared resources. Thus, shared/log will contain Application log files, and shared/system will contain any files that need to be kept from deployment to deployment. We also have shared/config, which we created with Puppet and which contains Application database.yml.

Push Command from Local

// as describe in /config/deploy.rb set_staging.
cap deploy staging


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Breakman Rails: How to avoid SQL injection

Breakman is static analysis security scanner for Ruby on Rails. It's open source vulnerability scanner specifically designed for Ruby on Rails applications. It statically analyzes Rails application code to find security issues at any stage of development.

I will share some trick to avoid Breakman SQL Injection medium settings warning.

1. Example Case "IN query": 
Wrong Format :
  id = [1,2,3,4,5]
  query = self.find(:all, :conditions =>["id in ("+id.joins(",")+")"])
Correct Format :
  id = [1,2,3,4,5]
   query = self.find(:all, :conditions =>["id in (?)", id])
   query = self.where("id in (?)", id)

2. Example Case "string query": 
Wrong Format :
  query = self.where("id = '"+id+"' and place = '"+place+"' and user = '"+user+"' ")
Correct Format :
  query_conditions = []
  unless id.blank?
  query_conditions << {"id = '"+id+"'"}
  unless id.blank?
  query_conditions << {"place= '"+place+"'"}
  unless id.blank?
  query_conditions << {"user = '"+user+"'"}
  query_where = query_conditions.joins("and")
  result = self.where(query_where)

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Vagrant Rails Puppet. Organizing Manifests with Modules

Built Puppet Manifests using modules allow us to organize our manifests into logical pieces, much as we do with modules in Ruby or packages in Java. We’ve already gotten started on a module structure for our Apache-related Puppet configuration by creating a modules/apache2/files directory holding our customized apache2.conf


in your puppet folder create this filer manifests/site.pp

apply your puppet and check it's working: sudo puppet apply --verbose manifests/site.pp

 Exec {
  path => "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
 include apache2

create your virtual host in here: modules/apache2/files/massiveapp.conf

  ServerName myapp
  DocumentRoot "/var/myapp/current/public/"
  CustomLog /var/log/apache2/myapp-access_log combined
  ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/myapp-error_log

In your puppet folder built this directory files: modules/apache2/manifests/init.pp
in init.pp create this config:

package {
  ensure => present,
  before => File["/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"]

service {
  ensure => true,
  enable => true,
  subscribe => File["/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"]

file {
  owner => root,
  group => root,
  mode => 644,
  source => "puppet:///modules/apache2/apache2.conf";

  source => "puppet:///modules/apache2/massiveapp.conf",
  owner => root,
  group => root,
  notify => Service["apache2"],
  require => Package["apache2"];

file {
  owner => root,
  group => root,
  mode => 644,
  source => "puppet:///modules/apache2/apache2.conf";
  source => "puppet:///modules/apache2/massiveapp.conf",
  owner => root,
  group => root,
  notify => Service["apache2"],
  require => Package["apache2"];


Monday, June 18, 2018

Jzebra setting on Ubuntu

jZebra is a Java applet which allows you to print barcodes, receipts, and more from a Web page to your device printer. It sends raw print commands and basic HTML and PDFs to your raw, PostScript, or LaserJet printer. It has been tested with Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Opera. It supports parallel, serial, USB, and network printers.

To start installing jZebra, you need to install JDK and JRE on your system. Check your JDK by type "java -version" on your terminal and it must show something like this:

     java version "1.7.0_60"
     Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_60-b19)
     Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.60-b09, mixed mode)

In your browser type 'about:plugins'. If your JDK and JRE installation is correct, Your browser will show something like this (On Firefox):

If everything is ready, we will start jzebra instalation.
  1. Download the source in here Jzebra.
  2. Extract The File. There's a bunch of file, but we will using "sample.html" and  "qz-print.jar". Make sure "sample.html" and "qz-print.jar" resides in the same folder/location.  You can see this working example with jZebra Printer Device. Download
  3. Set Your Device Printer, Go to system settings > Printing.
  4. Add Printer (or New) and select your printer device.
  5. Select printer make "Generic" Click "Forward" 
  6. Click mode "Raw", Drivers "Generic Raw Queue en". Click "Forward'
  7. Fill Name and Apply
  8. For Configuration Margin etc in EPL2. You can download the manual PDF in here.
  9. I have used 2 type of Barcode Text and Barcode Code, below is general configurations:
  • Text
         Format : Ap1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,”DATA”
         A = text

         p1 : Horizontal Start Position (X in dots)
         p2 : Vertical Start Position (X in dots)
         p3 : Rotate (0 = normal, 1 = 90 degrees, 2 = 180 degrees, 3 = 270 degrees)
         p4 : Font Type (1 until 5 = Fixed Pitch, 8 and 9 = Asian Language)
         p5 : Horizontal Multiplier (Accepted Value : 1-6,8)
         p6 : Vertical multiplier(Accepted Value : 1-9)
         p7 : Reverse Image (N = Normal, R = reverse)
        Data : backslash (\) characters designates the following character is a literal and will encode into data field. For Example: code= \"Test\", Printed = "Test"

        Working Example = A50,0,0,1,1,1,N,"Example 1", A50,300,0,3,2,2,R,"Example 6"↵

  • Barcode 
         1 : Horizontal Start Position (X in dots)
         2 : Vertical Start Position (X in dots)
         3 : Rotate(0 = normal, 1 = 90 degrees, 2 = 180 degrees, 3 = 270 degrees)
         4 : Barcode Type Selection (See Image Below)

         5 : Narrow Bar (See Image in Barcode Type)
         6 : Wide Bar (See Image in Barcode Type)
         7 : Barcode Height(X in dots)
         8 : Print Human Readable (B = yes, N = No)
         9 : Data:backslash (\) characters designates the following character is a literal and will encode into  data field. For Example: code= \"Test\", Printed = "Test"

        Working Example : 
  • B10,10,0,PL,5,5,5,N,"12-34567-890123".
  • B10,10,0,3,3,7,200,B,"998152-001"


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Vagrant Rails Puppet

Vagrant & Puppet to easily provision virtual machines that can be used as isolated development environments for your projects. You'll keep your development machine fast, your environments isolated, and any developer will be able to get up and running on a new project in less than 5 minutes.

Puppet automates server provisioning by formalizing a server’s configuration into manifests. Puppet’s manifests are text files that contain declarations written in Puppet’s domain-specific language (DSL). When we’ve defined our configuration using this DSL, Puppet will ensure that the machine’s files, packages, and services match the settings we’ve specified


// Initialize vagrant
vagrant up

// Enter Vagrant SSH
vagrant ssh
// Built Git repository for manifest. built it if not exist
ls -l /etc/puppet/.git/
// First we need to create a user and group for Puppet to use
sudo useradd --comment "Puppet" --no-create-home \ --system --shell /bin/false puppet

// Installing puppet as ruby gem. This will install puppet and facter
sudo gem install puppet -v 2.7.12 --no-rdoc --no-ri

facter is the tool that Puppet uses to gather information about the system in order to populate variables and determine which parts of our.

// Run Facter

// Built manifests and site.pp in /etc/puppet
cd /etc/puppet
mkdir manifests
cd manifests
sudo nano site.pp

write this configuration:
Exec {
  path => "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

// Commit this change
git add .
git commit -m "Init Puppet manifests"

Puppet Configurations

puppet help apply

// Run puppet
sudo puppet apply --verbose manifests/site.pp

When developing a Puppet configuration, it’s helpful to pass the --verbose flag to Puppet so that it displays any extended information that might be available if an error happens. We’ll see output like this from puppet apply:

 info: Applying configuration version '1319427535' info: Creating state file /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml notice: Finished catalog run in 0.02 seconds We’ll also see a few lines of output like the following ones.

This is because the Puppet developers are still bringing the codebase up-to-date for Ruby 1.9.3; these should go away in future Puppet releases.

 Could not load confine test 'operatingsystem': cannot load such file \ --  puppet/provider/confine/operatingsystem

 We’ve successfully built a tiny Puppet repository and executed Puppet on our VM. Now we’ll build out the VM with a standard Rails application stack. That is, we’ll configure Apache, MySQL, and Passenger, and we’ll put the Rails application directory tree into place. Along the way, we’ll learn all about how Puppet helps us manage our VM’s services and configuration.

Study Case

Installing Apache  on a server

In our site.pp. add this conf:
Exec {
path => "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
package {
ensure => present
service {
ensure => true,
enable => true

This package declaration is a fine example of the Puppet DSL. There’s a type declaration, package, followed by a block delimited by curly braces. That block contains a title for the instance of the type that we’re configuring, apache2.
That title is associated with various parameters that affect how Puppet will act on the type. In this case, we’ve declared an ensure parameter that’s set to present. This declaration is our way to tell Puppet that it should ensure there is a package called apache2 installed on the system.

service apache ensure true it means setting Puppet to attempt the service if it’s not running. And enable means ensures the service will start on boot

// Apply puppet
sudo puppet apply --verbose manifests/site.pp

If there's error message: "Could not load confine test 'operatingsystem' ". That's just update issue and harmless. If affecting your process just update your RoR versions.


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Vagrant in Ubuntu Linux

As a developers, we have a lot of development environment depends on our projects, sometimes each project has different environment specifications and it's difficult to re adjust.

With Vagrant we can make development environment for PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Postgres, PEAR, PHPUnit, Rails 3.1, Memcached, Redis, Gearman, NodeJS in instance. It means, we doesn't need to remove and install different development environment for each of our projects. We just need  Vagrant  to manage our instance virtual machines.

First Step
     Installing VirtualBox to your machine:

  • sudo apt-get install virtualbox
  • sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms
   Or you can download VirtualBox from, then install that package in your local machine.

Second Step
     Installing Vagrant:
  • sudo apt-get install vagrant
Third Step
     Go to Your directory projects or create new directory projects.
  • mkdir <project_name> && cd <project_name>
  • echo “Hello! with sync to Virtual Machine” >
Fourth Step
     Initialize projects with Vagrant project Environment
  • vagrant init
   This will create "Vagrantfile" file.

Five Step
     Open "Vagrantfile" file, it will contain something like this:

  Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "<name_your_box>"
    config.vm.box_url = "<>" :private_network, ip: "<the.ip.add.number>"
    config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
      puppet.manifests_path = "<path/to/manifests/folder>"
      puppet.manifest_file = "<name_file_puppet.pp>"

     This is sample of Vagrant configuration file:

  Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "trusty64"
    config.vm.box_url = "" :private_network, ip: ""
    config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
      puppet.manifests_path = "manifests"
      puppet.manifest_file = "default.pp"

  • = This configures what box the machine will be brought up against. The value here should be the name of an installed box or a shorthand name of a box in HashiCorp's Atlas.
  • config.vm.box_url = for setup source of package vagrant box, for complete list of vagrant box you can found here : .If not specified, no checksum comparison will be done. If specified, Vagrant will compare the checksum of the downloaded box to this value and error if they do not match. Checksum checking is only done when Vagrant must download the box.
  • = ip that use for communication between VM and local.
  • config.vm.provision = Configures provisioners on the machine, so that software can be automatically installed and configured when the machine is created. Please see the page on provisioners for more information on how this setting works.
  • puppet.manifests_path = path to folder manifests where to put file manifest configuration. (required by puppet)
  • puppet.manifest_file = name of file manifests configuration.

Six Step
     Setup Puppet Configurations:
  • mkdir manifests && cd manifests
  • touch default.pp
Seven Step
     Next open file <project_directory>/manifests/default.pp, add :

class system-update {
  # execute 'apt-get update'
  exec { 'apt-update': # exec resource named 'apt-update'
    command => '/usr/bin/apt-get update --fix-missing' # command this resource will run
include system-update
class apache-setup {
  # install apache2 package
  package { 'apache2':
    require => Exec['apt-update'], # require 'apt-update' before installing
    ensure => installed,
  # ensure apache2 service is running
  service { 'apache2':
    ensure => running,
include apache-setup
# install php5 package
package { 'php5':
  require => Exec['apt-update'], # require 'apt-update' before installing
  ensure => installed,
# ensure info.php file exists
file { '/var/www/html/info.php':
  ensure => file,
  content => '<?php phpinfo(); ?>', # phpinfo code
  require => Package['apache2'], # require 'apache2' package before creating

Eight Step

  • vagrant up

Sample of working Local configurations.


  • To Login to Vagrant Box:  vagrant ssh
  • cd vagrant/
  • Congratulations, you're in VagrantBox!
