Veritrans has multiple products with different integration method and pricing. About Veritrans Products
Veritrans Products:
VT-Link facilitates a payment feature for your online store by redirecting the customer to Veritrans payment page through a link.
VT-Web facilitatess merchant to use Veritrans payment system, by redirecting the customer to the Veritrans payment page.
VT-Direct is Veritrans product that allows you to use our payment system directly on your websiteIntegration Tool Kit
- Rails 4
- gem veritrans
Add gem Veritrans to Gem File and bundle install
gem 'veritrans';
In Console generate veritrans.yml
Generate Veritrans Form
This command will generate controller and view for Veritrans.
Because we will built dynamic key for this integrations. You can keep veritrans.yml configurations like this:
rails g veritrans:install
Generate Veritrans Form
rails g veritrans:payment_form
This command will generate controller and view for Veritrans.
Because we will built dynamic key for this integrations. You can keep veritrans.yml configurations like this:
development: # Register in sandbox veritrans and get your keys here: # client_key: "" server_key: "" api_host: "" production: # Register and get your keys here: # client_key: "" server_key: "" api_host: "" staging: # Register and get your keys here: # client_key: "" server_key: "" api_host: ""
VT-Web Integrations
In VT-Web Integrations, you just need to obtain redirect URL to Veritrans . After last check out process, put this function for directing page to veritrans:
@result = Veritrans.charge( payment_type: "VTWEB", transaction_details: { order_id: "order-id", gross_amount: 100_000 } ) // For Automatically redirect redirect_to @result.redirect_url
VT-Direct Integrations
VT-Direct Integrations is a little bit complicated because a lot of sensitive data involved in this process.
Preparing The Form
In /views/shared/_credit_card_form put your last checkout data in here. For example:
<%= form_for @payment, html: {class: "veritrans-payment-form", id:"card_form"} do |f| %> <% if @settings.client_key.present? && @settings.server_key.present? && @settings.api_host.present? %><%= render "layouts/notification" %> <%= f.hidden_field :token_id, id:"card_token" %>Payments Page
<%= label_tag "Length Of Membership" %> <%= number_field_tag :length_of_membership, 1,in: 1..10000 ,size: 5,class:"form-control", id:"length_of_membership",style:"width:10%;float:left;margin-right:10px;" %><%= label_tag "Membership Expired" %> <%= text_field_tag :membership_expired, (@company[:membership_expired] + 1.month).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),size: 5,:readonly => true,class:"form-control", id:"date_expired",style:"width:75%;" %><%= f.number_field :amount, id:"gross_amount", size: 25,:readonly => true,class:"form-control",style:"width:75%;" %><%= label_tag :credit_card_number %> <%= text_field_tag :credit_card_number, '',:required => true,:placeholder => "4811 1111 1111 1114", name: nil, size: 25,class:"form-control", id:"card_number" %><%= label_tag :credit_card_cvv %> <%= text_field_tag :credit_card_cvv, '',:required => true,:placeholder => "123", name: nil,class:"form-control", id:"card_cvc" %><%= label_tag :credit_card_expire %> <%= text_field_tag :credit_card_expire, '',:required => true, placeholder: "MM / YY", name: nil,class:"form-control", id:"card_exp" %><%= f.label :credit_card_secure, "3D-secure" %> <%= f.check_box :credit_card_secure %><%= f.label :notes %> <%= text_area(:notes, :text, class:"form-control", size: "20x30") %><%= link_to (image_tag "undo-logo.png", title: :back).html_safe, users_path() %> <%= f.submit "Pay via VT-Direct", class:"btn green-btn" %><% else %>Contact Administrator to do payments.<%= link_to (image_tag "undo-logo.png", title: :back).html_safe, users_path() %><% end %> <% end %>
Return Process
In Return Process build this functionsveritrans_callback = { transaction_details: { order_id: payment.order_id, gross_amount: params[:payment][:amount].presence || @payment.amount } } // Get setting from database setting = Setting.first // Set key and host for Veritrans Veritrans::Config.client_key=(setting.client_key) Veritrans::Config.server_key=(setting.server_key) Veritrans::Config.api_host=(setting.api_host) params[:type] = "Credit Card" veritrans_callback[:payment_type] = "credit_card" veritrans_callback[:credit_card] = {} veritrans_callback[:credit_card][:token_id] = params[:payment][:token_id] result = Veritrans.charge(veritrans_callback) transaction_params = {} transaction_params = { order_id:payment.order_id,[:gross_amount],[:status_message],[:transaction_id],[:transaction_time] } // If Transaction Success if[:status_code] == "200" // Success Process else // Failed Process end
That's All. I hope this will help anyone out there. :D
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